One week removed from #CPChatNow co-host Blake Henry’s college choice (#THEDECISION) and the live cerebral palsy Twitter chat continues to gain momentum. Like always the fun started Wednesday evening when the clock struck 8pm ET.
Seeing Alex back proved joyous.
Alex caught up with everyone by asking about their 2015 so far.
Blake shared exciting news which stirred up conversation.
Personally, I love these in-person meetings! They emphasize the tagline listed on the CPChatNow Facebook cover photo “Making real connections using social media.”
Now to go back to Alex’s question about 2015, I must point out Blake’s sarcasm-laced response served as a foreshadowing to his slap happy mood. His humor really took over when I goofed revealing our advertised announcement for the evening.
Can you spot the aforementioned goof up?
Correct! I did not include the hashtag “#CPChatNow” in my tweet. Without the hashtag tweets don’t become visible to the entire group and confusion arises.
Thanks to Erin I realized my mistake and made the announcement again.
The mention about birthdays in the initial failed announcement sparked friendly competition over what month holds the best birthdays.
Blake’s playfulness really came out when Jenna chimed in.
Eventually through all his humor Blake ended up leaking an announcement we originally planned to share next week.

Nationally traveled anti-bullying speaker Tony Bartoli joins #CPChatNow Wednesday, April 22nd for our next focus chat.
The dialogue continued a little while after that, mostly with us who grew up in the 90s reminiscing about pogs, Power Rangers, Goosebumps, and 90s trash talk. You know, great lines like “Talk to the hand” and “That’s my name. Don’t wear it out.”
Time to wrap up today’s recap though. Answer the Extend-the-Conversation question by commenting. How has 2015 treated you? Yes, I’m recycling Alex’s question from last night.
Make sure to join our fun next week!