Join #CPChatNow Wednesdays at 8pm ET.

#CPChatNow Recap- 07-29-2015

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If you enjoy riveting conversation, this week’s recap for the live cerebral palsy Twitter chat #CPChatNow will interest you. The stimulating dialogue included topics such as experiences at concerts, life with a disability in other countries, and current events. First though, members from our community shared exciting news. Soon talk turned to concerts. Time for…

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#CPChatNow Recap- 07-22-2015

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As per the traditional Wednesday evening ritual ceeps (short for cerebral palsy peeps) all over the United States plus in Canada and the United Kingdom gathered on Twitter for the live cerebral palsy Twitter chat #CPChatNow. Everything started off awesome. Early on the conversation remained friendly and lighthearted, just pals talking. Eventually though, our spidey…

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#CPChatNow puts the "pals" in "cerebral palsy."

#CPChatNow Recap- 07-15-2015

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Every Wednesday the live cerebral palsy Twitter chat #CPChatNow makes Hump Day feel like a Saturday night. We gather and spend time with each other, just like friends. Early in the day on Wednesday, July 15th I looked to create extra hype for the evening. We began the night though, catching up on the past…

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What are our similarities and differences?

If You Know One Person with Cerebral Palsy…

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This post includes Amazon affiliate links to my cerebral palsy memoir Off Balanced. As an Amazon affiliate I earn a commission on qualifying purchases.  Spend enough time in the cerebral palsy (CP) community and you will come to learn and maybe even actually hear the phrase. “If you know one person with cerebral palsy, then…

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Words #CPChatNow uses to describe our Twitter chat

#CPChatNow Recap- 07-08-2015

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Seven days removed from our great caregiving focus chat and the live weekly cerebral palsy Twitter chat #CPChatNow looked to continue with the upward momentum. Earlier in the day my co-host cohort Blake Henry and I enjoyed a great conversation about our prospective upcoming focus chats. Blake quickly foreshadowed the excitement to come. Perhaps though,…

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Stick figures discuss inspiration.

Seeing Inspiration From a New Perspective

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*Blogger’s Note- I originally published this piece on my old blog under the title “Inspiration- A Third Person Concept?” Most times when I’m in a conversation about inspiration this post comes to my mind. So I decided to re-publish the post here. Enjoy! Over the past six plus years I delved deeper into a word…

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8'O Clock

#CPChatNow Recap- Caregiving Focus Chat

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Excitement burst throughout the #CPChatNow community Wednesday, July 1st like fireworks lighting up the night sky. The spark ignited by Handicap This co-star and #CPChatNow co-founder Tim Wambach returning to lead a focus chat on caregiving. Minutes before the live Twitter chat started though, bad news arrived. Rise above my co-host Blake Henry, our special…

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