#CPChatNow, the live weekly cerebral palsy Twitter chat, kicked off the month looking to make August 2015 GOAT. More about goats later though. First let us begin recapping last night’s lively conversation. A familiar face really helped spark the dialogue.
This week’s #CPChatNow maintained a cheery tone throughout, probably an extension to good news shared.
Okay, I know. Placing the August #CPChatNow Google Hangout details between Hannah and Blake’s good news risks the Hangout information becoming overshadowed. Thus I wanted to take the time to specifically mention the Hangout.
Personally I find the Hangouts and #CPChatNow in general great inspiration for finding topics to blog about. Something I even noted last night when sharing my latest blog post “Challenge Your Limits.”
So #CPChatNow inspires me, but what about you? What inspires you? Consider that the week’s Extend-the-Conversation question. Leave your answer in the “Comments” section!
Back to last night and the earlier GOAT reference, according to my co-host Blake Henry GOAT remains slang for “Greatest of All Time.” Maybe I should just allow the dialogue to recap the moment.
Remembering back to June I’m tempted to say our focus chat led by Erin on exercising proved “da bomb.” Said topic actually resurfaced.
Revisit highlights from June’s exercise focus chat- click here.
Continuing with our highlights from yesterday evening, the teasing over my dumb phone segued to chatter about phone durability.
To end the night I tweeted out another reminder about #CPChatNow’s August Google Hangout.
Typically Blake and I hold the monthly #CPChatNow Google Hangout near a month’s end. However, we wanted to schedule August’s Hangout earlier in an effort to avoid back-to-school season.
Now let me end the recap with another reminder. Answer the Extend-the-Conversation question! What inspires you?
Leave your answer here in the “Comments” section.