Week in and week out the live cerebral palsy Twitter chat #CPChatNow provides a platform for conversation and camaraderie. Every Wednesday when the clock strikes 8pm ET, you can count on the #CPChatNow tweets to emerge.
My co-host Blake gave us a first look at the dorm room he now calls home.
Internet issues kept some talkative ceeps limited.
Devin’s Internet connection proves important for next week because he teams up with passionate advocate Emily Ladau to lead a focus chat on advocacy.

Join #CPChatNow Wednesday, August 26th when Words I Wheel By blogger Emily Ladau and our own Devin Axtman lead a discussion on advocacy.
Speaking about focus chats, last night we revisited conversation from our June focus chat on exercise.
Perhaps the most compelling conversation this week though involved dating with a disability, specifically dating someone able-bodied.
Time to keep the intriguing dialogue going! Answer the Extend-the-Conversation question- What do you find the hardest part to dating with a disability?
Leave your response in the “Comments” section below.
Finally, remember to join us this upcoming Wednesday for #CPChatNow’s focus chat on advocacy. Prepare your questions for Words I Wheel By blogger Emily Ladau and our own Devin Axtman.