#CPChatNow Recap- Advocacy Focus Chat

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On Wednesday, August 26th #CPChatNow presented a conversation about advocacy with our own Devin Axtman and special guest Emily Ladau. Their passion for the topic showed immediately!

What does advocacy mean to you?What does advocacy mean to Emily and Devin?#CPChatNow participants explain what advocacy means to them. Before proceeding further, I asked Devin and Emily to share the credentials that make them fitting leaders to run the night’s focus chat.

Devin and Emily's advocacy credentials.More about Emily LadauAfter you finish reading this recap, make sure  you visit Words I Wheel By.

Selecting highlights to represent our advocacy focus chat proved tough. In addition to thought provoking questions prepared by Devin and Emily, participants asked great questions.

How do you start advocating?At points Devin and Emily’s prepared questions triggered the great participant questions. For instance, a question about tools needed to advocate segued to the following.

Advocating for music without barriers.Unexpected positive advocacy experiencesThe above shows advocacy really works! To add your own evidence, answer the Extend-the-Conversation question. Share your advocacy success story. Leave your story in the “Comments” section.

While mentioning questions, another prepared question from Devin and Emily which stimulated intriguing conversation involved advocacy role models.

Who are your advocacy role models?Zachary Fenell's advocacy role modelsAll in all last night’s focus chat went extraordinarily well.

Thank you Emily and Devin

Experience the power of community! Live cerebral palsy Twitter #CPChatNow, every Wednesday 8pm ET.

Experience the power of community! Live cerebral palsy Twitter #CPChatNow, every Wednesday 8pm ET.

Following the advocacy Q & A we did engage in chitchat covering shared interests and more. You know, typical community building stuff. Like advocacy, community holds much power. Harness the power by joining the #CPChatNow community every Wednesday at 8pm ET for our weekly Twitter chat. If you don’t tweet, you can join the community via the #CPChatNow Facebook fan page.

Finally remember to answer the Extend-the-Conversation question. Share your advocacy success story.

Leave your answer in the “Comments” section!


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