Every Wednesday the live cerebral palsy Twitter chat #CPChatNow offers participants a chance to share good news and also a chance to seek support during trying times. The latter remained at the forefront last night.
Make sure you read Jocelyn’s post remembering Dr. Leon Root. You will agree the medical field lost someone great. His loss led to a question.
Let’s keep the conversation going and make this the Extend-the-Conversation question! Who is your personal superhero? Leave your answer in the “Comments” section.
Moving on Lindsay brought some well needed good news to yesterday’s chat.
Looking ahead, next week’s #CPChatNow basically guarantees riveting dialogue. TeenCP blogger Katy Fetters joins us to lead a conversation on introducing your cerebral palsy when meeting new people. Or, as my co-host Blake Henry described the subject matter earlier in the week…
So make sure you join us next week at the usual time, 8pm ET! If you don’t have Twitter but you want to ask Katy a question, leave your question on the #CPChatNow Facebook fan page. Blake and I will make sure all Facebook questions get asked. Then I’ll put the answers in next week’s recap for all to see!
Finally, remember to answer this week’s Extend-the-Conversation question. Who is your personal superhero? Respond in the “Comments” section below.
See you next week!