With September winding down, the fourth quarter approaches. How does that make you feel? Maybe you find yourself in shock, your thoughts consistently repeating one phrase “October already!” Possibly pressure caused by everything you still need to accomplish this year looms over you, leaving you feeling helpless. At least now you can seek comfort in pumpkin lattes! 😉
Believe me, I empathize with you. However, a few years ago I encountered a breakthrough enabling me to view the fourth quarter more optimistically. The catalyst for my breakthrough extends back to a two-part video from motivational speaker Dr. Eric Thomas.
Great stuff, right? Come on! I’m no fool. Don’t just nod your head yes. Watch!
Yes, I know “Thank you.” You are welcome, but guess what? I’m only getting started. To help you plan for fourth quarter living I compiled these three actionable steps.
First Things First
Before you can move forward into fourth quarter living you must first understand your current position. What New Year resolutions did you set in January? How much progress can you claim? Subtract your progress from the overall goal and BOOM! You calculated your current position. Making measurable goals proves essential so you can calculate accurately.
Fixing That Broken Calculator
Okay, you never set measurable goals. Perhaps your New Year resolution looked like “Exercise more” or “Eat healthier.” Rather than becoming frustrated over setting vague goals, relax. Seriously, no permanent damage done!
Fourth quarter living means setting new goals anyways. Since time remains limited you will want to focus on weekly goals. For example, “Exercise more” can become “Exercise three times a week.”
Those who already set measurable goals, you possess an advantage. By completing actionable step one you calculated your current position. Therefore you know how much more progress you need to make. Obtain your weekly goal by dividing the remaining progress by 12 (the weeks left in the year). If your weekly goal seems impossible, try anyways! Remember Dr. Eric Thomas’ words “Play until the clock goes out and if you lose at least you can say you went down fighting.”
Rinse and Repeat
Finally, rinse and repeat by revaluating your weekly goals in October and November. Mark on your calendar a date each month to revisit your goals. On the designated date recalculate your current position and then divide by the weeks remaining in the year to obtain your new weekly goal. Suddenly fourth quarter living comes across as basic math!
Surely though, I do not need to tell you there exists complications. Achieving your measurable goals requires determination and executing good habits. A failure to reach your weekly goals indicates lacking execution. During your reevaluations in October and November hold an honest conversation with yourself. Talk to yourself! Pinpoint the good habits you should practice and then take them one day at a time. By December they will become second nature.
In closing there stands only one thing left to say, “Congratulations!” Reading today’s post through puts you ahead. After all, the calendar still says September. Keep the momentum going as you activate fourth quarter living!
What do you plan to accomplish in the fourth quarter? Answer in the “Comments” section below. Let us keep each other accountable.