Are You Thankful for Your Cerebral Palsy?- #CPChatNow Focus Chat Recap

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To all my American friends, Happy Thanksgiving! With this week’s live cerebral palsy Twitter chat #CPChatNow falling on Thanksgiving eve we used the occasion to discuss the question “Are you thankful for your cerebral palsy?” To kick off the special group led focus chat I explained the night’s ground rules.

"Are you thankful for your cerebral palsy?" chat ground rules.Before I could even formally ask the question “Are you thankful for your cerebral palsy?” the dialogue started!

The discussion begins.Initial answers to the question continued rolling in. Responses proved very mixed.

Q1- Are you thankful for your cerebral palsy?More answers to Q1How do the responses above compare to yours? This week’s extend-the-conversation question gives you the opportunity to speak up! Finish reading the recap and then answer “Are you thankful for your cerebral palsy?” Leave your response in the “Comments” section!

However, for now let us return to the recap! The next question directed people to look at CP positively.

Q2- What is an opportunity CP has allowed you?Hannah answers Q2. Question three examined the not so great aspects to living with cerebral palsy.

Q3- Is there anything that you are unable to do because of your CP that you wish you could?Answers to question three sparked some side dialogue.

Shoe shopping & cerebral palsy#CPChatNow discusses falling.

Experience the power of community! Live cerebral palsy Twitter #CPChatNow, every Wednesday 8pm ET.

Experience the power of community! Live cerebral palsy Twitter #CPChatNow, every Wednesday 8pm ET.

Honestly, I feel like I could continue the recap highlighting answers to all the questions asked last night but then would that really make this a recap? Instead I will draw this to a close and leave you to return to your loved ones. First though, remember to answer the extend-the-conversation question. “Are you thankful for your cerebral palsy?”

Leave your answer in the “Comments” section below.

Once again Happy Thanksgiving!


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