Over the last two weeks the live weekly cerebral palsy Twitter chat #CPChatNow focused a lot on current events. This week however our dialogue revolved more around personal experiences. The trend started with discussion about skiing.
Erin’s comment about her brother helped usher in intriguing talk about siblings.
Let us keep the dialogue about siblings going with the extend-the-conversation question! Answer in the “Comments” section, “If you have siblings, did they treat you differently because you had CP?”
Unsure how to answer the question? Think about the question this way “Did your siblings take things easy on you?” Again, leave your answer in the “Comments” section.
Trekking ahead with the recap, meeting people already familiar with cerebral palsy came up.
Personally I can recall two scenarios where I received the “Not to be rude, but do you have cerebral palsy?” question. When I worked as a cashier, I received the question. The person asking either worked as a nurse or knew a relative with CP.
Secondly, I remember my good friend Michael Mannozzi asking me the question. We met in college and Michael knew about CP due to his sister.
Anyways enough about me! Last night also featured an announcement about our upcoming December focus chat.
A group led focus chat thrives off the community’s questions! If you wish to suggest a question, please DM me on Twitter. You can also post your suggestion in the #CPChatNow private Facebook group.
My co-host Blake Henry and I will alternate asking the questions on December 30th. I know I’m excited to look ahead to 2016. The new year holds promise both for #CPChatNow and me personally.

Only two more #CPChatNow chats remain in 2015. Make sure to join us Wednesday, December 23rd at 8pm ET.
Before we look ahead to 2016 though, let us focus on ending 2015 strong! First, answer the extend-the-conversation question. “If you have siblings, did they treat you differently because you had CP?”
Answer in the “Comments” section below!
After you reply, go ahead and continue your 2015 grind. You still possess time to make this year count!
Yours in the grind,