The following product recommendation for PediFix’s All-Natural Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap contains Amazon affiliated links. As an Amazon affiliate, I earn a commission on qualifying purchases.
Picture yourself moving with a bounce in your step. Unfortunately, I am not talking about a cerebral palsy (CP) cure. Rather a product that will refresh your feet. PediFix’s All-Natural Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap enriched with tea tree oil provides such refreshment.

Personally I became familiar with Pedifix’s All-Natural Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap earlier in 2016. Actually after reading my recommendation for the company’s toe separators, PediFix sent me various samples. No contriving deal manifested. PediFix simply wished to thank me for my honest review. A trial size All-Natural Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap bottle came among the given samples. I am basing today’s recommendation off said sample.
The Beneficiary
Hopefully you my reader ends up this post’s beneficiary. You may benefit from PediFix’s funga soap without realizing so! After all the issue the funga soap treats camouflages into daily life.
If you live an active life with mild CP, the above applies to you. Maybe your school and/or work schedule keeps you on your feet. Perhaps you play sports despite CP. Any activities which forces you up and around!
Also I imagine anyone whose feet endure stressful workloads benefiting. Alas, someone in a wheelchair working on walking more. Sure, you maintain a lower step count. However, your situation stands a high stress one.
Whatever category you place into, how your feet feel become causalities to the day-to-day. Consequently your brain fails to register the tired feet feeling. Trust me. I experienced the same.
A couple years ago my mother introduced me to foot wipes treated with tea tree oil. Upon initial use amazement washed over me. Tiredness previously unknown to me seemingly evaporated. My feet left enjoying a sensation I never considered plausible, refreshed.
Sadly, I could not find where to purchase more tea tree oil treated foot wipes. I searched the product name online, but the search results disappointed. At the time I remained ignorant to the foot wipes’ secret. Therefore the idea to seek alternative tea tree oil options escaped me. Tea tree oil only emerged as the magical refresher once I tried PediFix’s All-Natural Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap.
Tea Tree Oil’s Magic
Okay, the term “magical” proves an exaggeration. Hogwarts probably excludes tea tree oil from their curriculum. Thankfully we muggles possess other resources to reference. I checked Web MD because I figured you might wonder. “What is tea tree oil?”
Good for you asking questions! I mean you will rub the product on your skin. Curiosity seems appropriate. Turns out tea tree oil originates from leaves on tea trees. These trees located in Australia. Besides refreshing tired feet, tea tree oil supplies various medical remedies. To learn those, make sure you visit the Web MD link. Now to concentrate on cerebral palsy and PediFix’s All-Natural Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap.

Like I hint at above, you rub PediFix’s funga soap on your feet. Well, technically washcloth. Then you use the washcloth on your feet. Really, I should take a deep breath and restart my instructions. Ready?
PediFix’s All-Natural Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap quickly transitions to a regular part in your personal care routine. Due to balance issues I struggle to clean my feet standing in the shower. Instead I sit on the toilet following my shower to clean my feet.
Underneath my feet I lay down my towel. Next I take my washcloth, still damp from the shower. I flip up the funga soap cap and squeeze some onto the washcloth. Using my hand I spread the soap across the washcloth’s surface. Finally wash your feet with the washcloth. Dry with your towel and relish the tingling refreshment. I bet you notice the extra bounce in your step alluded to at the post’s beginning.
Additional Considerations
Whenever I write a “Product Recommendation,” I try considering cerebral palsy’s differing nature. Obviously my directions work for someone who showers/bathes independently. I believe the directions will translate with a personal caregiver involved. He or she assisting as required.
Continuing, I cannot guarantee a satisfaction rate equal to mine. Yet PediFix boasts a 100% satisfaction guarantee on the bottle. Below the guarantee lists a number to call in case the funga soap lets you down.
On a related note, please read the bottle prior to use! I strive to divulge all the information you need for a recommended product. Nevertheless I am unable to foresee every potential scenario. I refuse to accept liability for possible trouble caused by product use.
In Summary
PediFix’s All-Natural Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap relieves tired feet. An ailment easily camouflaged by everyday life. Enriched with tea tree oil, the funga soap alleviates tired feet and leaves your feet tingling with refreshment. Two main groups within the CP community will most likely benefit from the product. Firstly individuals with mild cerebral palsy living active lives. Secondly people enduring high stress walking situations. Do read the bottle prior to use.
Any questions regarding whether PediFix’s All-Natural Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap remains right for you? Comment with your question. I will answer to my best ability based off my own experiences.
Medical Disclaimer
I am in NO WAY a medical professional. NOR did I consult with medical professionals to write this post. My recommendation extends to my personal experience with the product. Feel free to ask your doctor or physical therapist if Pedifix’s All-Natural Tea Tree Ultimates Funga Soap might work for you.