When a New Year looms, emotions set abuzz. Rewinding back the past 12 months certain highlights come to mind. For me, your continued support remains a highpoint. Thus, I decided to use my 2018 rewind to countdown my year’s best content. At least, the best according to you!
Oppose to setting up a poll and letting you vote, I wanted to preserve complete authenticity. See, your actions the last 365 days represent votes. Views, likes, comments, shares, and such tell me what you enjoy. So after carefully analyzing statistics and engagement numbers, I am ready to press the metaphorical 2018 rewind button.
2018 Rewind
Please note, views provides only one element used to determine placement below. A highly engaged post (likes, comments, shares, and etcetera) could rank above content which received more eyeballs. Getting an active response from you deserves the extra emphasis I believe.
#5- “Overcoming No Expectations” (Blog Post)
Within “Overcoming No Expectations” I write about the correlation between cerebral palsy and encountering zero to no expectations. Particularly I mention the corresponding dangers involved. Better yet I explore surpassing these limiting mindsets to achieve your fullest potential. Subject matter I know well, thanks to my marathon journey.

#4- “Handling Falls with Cerebral Palsy” (Youtube Video)
Falls happen, especially while living with CP. Sometimes worse than any physical damage done stands emotional turbulence. Falling tempts you to feel embarrassed, bruising your self-esteem. Hopefully the insights I discuss inside “Handling Falls with Cerebral Palsy” will empower you to heal any wounds your self-confidence endures due to a fall.
#3- “Vistaprint Promobox Unboxing January 2018” (Youtube Video)
Rewinding all the way to January 2018 and I still remained subscribed to Vistaprint’s monthly Promobox subscription service. Each month Vistaprint sent me a box. The insides contained marketing materials I could utilize to improve my presence as “The Cerebral Palsy Vigilante.” Through recording unboxing videos, I supplied a behind the scenes glimpse to my advocacy.
#2- “Sleeping with Cerebral Palsy” (Youtube Video)
A good night’s sleep does wonders! Unfortunately CP can make finding a comfortable position challenging. Said topic I detail a part “Sleeping with Cerebral Palsy.” Once I finished sharing my experiences, the conversation persisted amidst the “Comments” section.
#1- “My Cerebral Palsy Walk (As Requested)” (Youtube Video)
Progressing throughout my 2018 rewind, naming “My Cerebral Palsy Walk (As Requested)” my top content became undeniable. Around mid-year a viewer requested I show my walking gait. Happily I obliged. Based off reactions to the video, multiple people held interest seeing my gait and comparing to their own or a loved one’s.
Closing Thoughts
Thank you for making this 2018 rewind possible. Again, I leaned upon your views, likes, comments, shares, and such to compile the above. Looking ahead to 2019 I plan to do the same. Listening to your input enables me to bring you what you wish to watch and read. So keep reading, watching, liking, commenting, and sharing. Make 2019 the year you don’t blend in, but rather the year you blend out!
Happy New Year!